Friday, September 27, 2013

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Honestly I REALLY FUCKING HATE PEDOs and the state makes their lives easier as time goes

I have a huge amount of hatred for pedos and in my opinion I will violate the NAP(Non Aggression Principle) just for pedos and in this Statist society lately they've been really getting a relaxed life. Yes they still have to sign up as a sex offender but due to the Statist War on Drugs in order to keep up with the mandatory minimums they(the state) has been letting others out earlier including pedos. Also one pedo has claimed the same argument as homosexuals that its not a mental disorder(follow up article coming up)

Interesting picture by a right-winger

This is quite an interesting picture by Jon McNaughton and if you hover over each presidents face you can see to the right of the page the national debt tat president had left and Andrew Jackson had left the least amount of debt with 336,957 USD

Monday, September 23, 2013

Venezuela nationalizes toilet paper over shortages, whose next

Will airsoft guns be more often a trouble

Now some time before a airsoft gun shop was under federal investigation by the ATF because their guns could be modified into "assault weapons". Well it seems that some colleges students got into trouble playing with airsoft guns and not they have been expelled for the rest of the year. I just don't understand why the college would do such a thing to these students since they (college) gets massive amounts of money from these student loans. Plus why should they be punished for being themselves (as long as being themselves doesn't involve inflicting force upon others how didn't consent)

Random internet picture of the Federal Reserve of Dallas

Its a start to end the government backed monopoly

Swiss votes to keep their Conscription army

Although I highly approve of voluntaryism at least the citizens have a rights to keep those military arms in their households for security reason and as far as I know Switzerland isn't a police state

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Harvard study on gun control

Well even Harvard agrees that when you have strong gun control things go horrible (at least in the western world). I myself am looking forward in the next ten years to own a assault rifle or a single fire weapon military styled gun but Hong Kong proves gun control does work but it does have one of the most freest markets in the world

Would innercity gang violence be enough to attract the US Military

It seems that Governor Quinn MIGHT consider bringing in the state police and National Guard to deal with the violence in Chicago but if the city would learn that gun control doesn't work and lax the gun laws by tenfold there would be a high chance none of this would be necessary or have a highly free economy like Hong Kong. If the National Guard does come and things don't really change they must seriously consider giving their citizens their liberty to own all kinds of guns.