Sunday, November 17, 2013

Worried about robbery in a staeless society well dont worry youve already been robbed

Okay now for you the viewer you are here because probably tired of government stealing from you  through the use of force like taxation but for those who forgot or never knew about what had happen in 2011 with the bailouts its perhaps the greatest robbery in a while. In 2011 our invisible government the Federal Reserve decided to give out a bailout amounting to 7.7 trillion dollars to "help" the economy but we all know that isn't true because were in the same crappy position as we ever five years ago. Now that's quite a big bailout isnt it 7,700,000,000,000 but the  GDP that year was about 14trillion dollars now compare that 14,000,000,000,000 to 7,700,000,000,000 better yet to make it easier for you I'll cut out the zeros 14 to 7.7 thats over half of what the US has produced just taken away from us. Sorry I'm wrong 7,700,000,000,000 printed, not even created electronically from a computer. Now lets say that if that bailout money was actual money given to those various financial institutions; hat just proves that for over six months of your labor was given to these groups of individuals. Now people who fears about a Anarcho-Capitalist society have corporations robbing everyone should have nothing to fear about because you've just been robbed of your labor via government and gave over half of your labor value to a group of individuals. Now to any of you Statist, Communist, Socialists,Democrats, Progressives, Fascist and others alike whatever your worried about happening in my stateless society has already happen a society that tenders more towards you than me.Just accept the fact that your ways have failed and no one can be en-placed that will solve all your problems but how the market will react to your ideas, methods, policies, and treatment of customers that will prove widespread success for everyone rather than the chosen ones.

7.7 Trillion Dollar bailout source  -

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