Monday, December 16, 2013

The Truth About Reagan and Guns

Reagan is glorified by Tea Partiers and Conservative alike for gun rights which they criticize Democrats for but even their mighty idol Ronald Reagan didn't care for gun rights before and after his term as President (1981-1989). During his time as a California governer he passed the Mulford Act. This prohibited citizens from open carrying their weapons in public. This measure was proposed because The Black Panthers and they protested this too yet the was in favor of this act. From what I'd also read also weren't as political as they are today some say.

Now lets look at the post Reagan years when they 1994 Assault Weapons Ban(AWB) was past. During the Clinton years one of the first AWBs was being legislated an it was past. As in the past article I wrote I did addressed that Reagan, Ford, and Carter did sign a letter to Congress wanting them to pass the AWB.

Remember people the government doesnt care about you or your well being unless you are a lobbyist, unionist, or any other form of entity that the government needs to keep its tyranny going.

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Reagan, Carter, Feinstein and assault weapons

During my time as a Libertarian and looking at presidents I noticed that Ronald Reagan was a man that wanted to cut the size of government and said "government is the problem not the solution." I couldn't agree anymore with that statement. He said that he was going to cut government, free the market, and cut taxes. There even is a picture of him with Ron Paul signed by him loving his ideas. But Libertarians just didn't like Reagan and other free market enthusiast like Ayn Rand denounced Ronald Regan and didn't vote for him. I started to research more then I found out that he was just a Corporatist. Earlier this year I also saw that Reagan was for gun control from the liberal pages. I was stunned at first thinking that it was propaganda but that just isn't the case but his stance on the 1994 Assault Weapons Ban just proves that he doesn't care about your second amendment rights.

In 1993 an AWB(Assault Weapons Ban) as proposed by Dianne Feinstein calling for more stricter gun control to help curve crime. The bill would make it illegal for a private US citizen to obtain a weapon that was considered an assault weapon by the US(United States) Federal government for a ten year period. This passed was helped by twelve Texas democrats who was with the NRA(National Rifle Association) and some presidents signed a letter to congress stating why this ban was necessary. This included Carter's and Reagan's name together agreeing on something the NRA and second amendment lovers wouldn't like. Ironically enough I'm pretty sure Republicans considered Carter to be the worst president ever (that crown belongs to Woodrow Wilson with the Income Tax, Federal Reserve, Minimum Wage, and other things too).

At least President George Bush Sr. was against this measure and that there shows you the read that the two party system is well and alive even for this big Corporatist Ronald Reagan.

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Bitcoin is bound to have a closing price higher than gold

Over the past couple of days on the market bitcoins prices have amounted equal or greater than gold which is something to take note of but the closing prices haven't accounted for bitcoin being worth more than gold but based on recent trends I have concluded that bitcoins will eventually surpass the price of gold. For the long run I'm personally unsure but I'm no market economist and don't look at markets a lot for other than gold, silver, P&G, and a few others.

Monday, December 2, 2013

Why you should be concerned about a North American Union or NAFTA

       For those who have heard about the NAFTA or the North American Union(NAU) and are concerned about it yet people have told you that these things will not exist and made up you should still be concerned about it. Now people dont like it when people demonize something that has no proof of its existence or something that is fake but just the idea of having this continent ending like Europe with the European Union(EU)is very dangerous even to the individuals who think this will have no affect on them.

         If the NAU would take place then will have a Nigel Farage going around confronting unelected Eurocracts that would probably be like Herman Van Rompuy. I'm pretty sure no tea partier or libertarian would obey to a foreign entity especially if they are unelected and violated the Constitution(which I find useless) but it does state what the US government can and cant do. Anyhow what what people who don't care about the idea of a NAU or would support such a measure? I say tell them about the unelected breaucrats like Herman Rompuy and Jose Barroso who have a huge influence on your life yet you've never heard of them.

           Please, please just don't let such a measure happen in your life time we must at least keep a grip on what freedoms we have left

Sunday, December 1, 2013

The Bankers have been jailed under Reagan and Bush

            So many people since the Financial Crisis of 2008 have been complaining about the bankers not being jailed or executives but may have concluded that their "too big to jail" but they (financial wallst type people) have been put to prison under the Reagan and George Bush Sr administration. Some Occupiers, Liberals, Socialist, and other alike them maybe surprised even when they might hear the words are actual fact. The financial problem that these people caused were called the Saving and Loans Scandal. The Saving and Loans Scandal was caused when the Fed(Federal Reserve) decided to double the interest rates to tackle inflation and it was based off of the B&L (Buildings and Loans) strategy by England but government is inefficient so this policy was destined to fail but too bad Paul Volker (Fed Chair Man) didn't get arrested. Something to also note is the Keating Five which was a group of US Senators who know and helped the Scandal on behalf of Chris Keating and one of them is RINO (Republican In Name Only) John McCain who is the same guy who ran for President in 2008 and the rest were Democrats. This also proves that Dems are also corporate puppets not for the people like many voters see today.
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Source 2