Sunday, December 1, 2013

The Bankers have been jailed under Reagan and Bush

            So many people since the Financial Crisis of 2008 have been complaining about the bankers not being jailed or executives but may have concluded that their "too big to jail" but they (financial wallst type people) have been put to prison under the Reagan and George Bush Sr administration. Some Occupiers, Liberals, Socialist, and other alike them maybe surprised even when they might hear the words are actual fact. The financial problem that these people caused were called the Saving and Loans Scandal. The Saving and Loans Scandal was caused when the Fed(Federal Reserve) decided to double the interest rates to tackle inflation and it was based off of the B&L (Buildings and Loans) strategy by England but government is inefficient so this policy was destined to fail but too bad Paul Volker (Fed Chair Man) didn't get arrested. Something to also note is the Keating Five which was a group of US Senators who know and helped the Scandal on behalf of Chris Keating and one of them is RINO (Republican In Name Only) John McCain who is the same guy who ran for President in 2008 and the rest were Democrats. This also proves that Dems are also corporate puppets not for the people like many voters see today.
Source 1
Source 2

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