Monday, December 16, 2013

The Truth About Reagan and Guns

Reagan is glorified by Tea Partiers and Conservative alike for gun rights which they criticize Democrats for but even their mighty idol Ronald Reagan didn't care for gun rights before and after his term as President (1981-1989). During his time as a California governer he passed the Mulford Act. This prohibited citizens from open carrying their weapons in public. This measure was proposed because The Black Panthers and they protested this too yet the was in favor of this act. From what I'd also read also weren't as political as they are today some say.

Now lets look at the post Reagan years when they 1994 Assault Weapons Ban(AWB) was past. During the Clinton years one of the first AWBs was being legislated an it was past. As in the past article I wrote I did addressed that Reagan, Ford, and Carter did sign a letter to Congress wanting them to pass the AWB.

Remember people the government doesnt care about you or your well being unless you are a lobbyist, unionist, or any other form of entity that the government needs to keep its tyranny going.

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