Monday, December 2, 2013

Why you should be concerned about a North American Union or NAFTA

       For those who have heard about the NAFTA or the North American Union(NAU) and are concerned about it yet people have told you that these things will not exist and made up you should still be concerned about it. Now people dont like it when people demonize something that has no proof of its existence or something that is fake but just the idea of having this continent ending like Europe with the European Union(EU)is very dangerous even to the individuals who think this will have no affect on them.

         If the NAU would take place then will have a Nigel Farage going around confronting unelected Eurocracts that would probably be like Herman Van Rompuy. I'm pretty sure no tea partier or libertarian would obey to a foreign entity especially if they are unelected and violated the Constitution(which I find useless) but it does state what the US government can and cant do. Anyhow what what people who don't care about the idea of a NAU or would support such a measure? I say tell them about the unelected breaucrats like Herman Rompuy and Jose Barroso who have a huge influence on your life yet you've never heard of them.

           Please, please just don't let such a measure happen in your life time we must at least keep a grip on what freedoms we have left

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