Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Reagan, Carter, Feinstein and assault weapons

During my time as a Libertarian and looking at presidents I noticed that Ronald Reagan was a man that wanted to cut the size of government and said "government is the problem not the solution." I couldn't agree anymore with that statement. He said that he was going to cut government, free the market, and cut taxes. There even is a picture of him with Ron Paul signed by him loving his ideas. But Libertarians just didn't like Reagan and other free market enthusiast like Ayn Rand denounced Ronald Regan and didn't vote for him. I started to research more then I found out that he was just a Corporatist. Earlier this year I also saw that Reagan was for gun control from the liberal pages. I was stunned at first thinking that it was propaganda but that just isn't the case but his stance on the 1994 Assault Weapons Ban just proves that he doesn't care about your second amendment rights.

In 1993 an AWB(Assault Weapons Ban) as proposed by Dianne Feinstein calling for more stricter gun control to help curve crime. The bill would make it illegal for a private US citizen to obtain a weapon that was considered an assault weapon by the US(United States) Federal government for a ten year period. This passed was helped by twelve Texas democrats who was with the NRA(National Rifle Association) and some presidents signed a letter to congress stating why this ban was necessary. This included Carter's and Reagan's name together agreeing on something the NRA and second amendment lovers wouldn't like. Ironically enough I'm pretty sure Republicans considered Carter to be the worst president ever (that crown belongs to Woodrow Wilson with the Income Tax, Federal Reserve, Minimum Wage, and other things too).

At least President George Bush Sr. was against this measure and that there shows you the read that the two party system is well and alive even for this big Corporatist Ronald Reagan.

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